Tuesday, March 12, 2013

iPad Trials: The Action Plan Documents

The brilliant Madeleine Brookes and I have been working hard at going school-wide with the iPad Trials.  Initially, we were working with students to create their history iBook (we hope to get that upon iTunes soon).  Now, the school has agreed has purchased iPad-mini carts for each of the sections (PS, MS and HS).

In the HS, we are running action research trials, with a core group of 12 faculty, all of whom applied and were selected out of 30+ applicants.  Each teacher will be issued a new iPad (subsidized 60% by the school, and the rest from their PD funds).

I will be working with the Tech Integrator to run a series of workshops on using the iPad for academic purposes.  As part of their acceptance into the group, each teacher agrees to plan and implement a piece of Action Research.

We'll divide the group into four cohorts, each with a support person who will also sign off on their action research.

Now, all of this will fit into our larger action research:  Do iPads Enhance Student Learning?
Each of the individual plans will supplement our overall research by looking at specific aspects of iPads in schools.

I'm linking to--or embedding--the various documents we've created.  Feel free to use, modify or adapt.  We only ask that if you use these, you also make your documents available to others.

Needless to say, all of these are works in progress!

iPads in the High School (overall plan)
What Is An Action Plan?

Action Planner (for writing individual action plans)

From a library standpoint, it's been an interesting discussion about managing the iPad carts, deciding how apps will be added (being in China adds a whole new dimension to that!),  check-out procedures/policies, who gets priority, etc.   Thank heavens for my über-organized assistant who sees issues I never even think of!

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