Saturday, November 15, 2008

TechMash: Glogster and Pageflakes for Booktalks?

My virtual friend Leslie, over at Webfooted Booklady, shared a link of her fun/creepy book Glog. She has a howling wind soundtrack, but I started thinking--this could be a different way of doing permanent book-talks. You could add images of the cover, read an excerpt and promote it, either singly or in groups.

Create several on different topics, load them into a PageFlakes and link it to your library site--permanent, interactive booktalks. Better yet, have the kids do them!

In fact, our 9th graders are keeping blogs of their reading right now. I think I'll talk to the teachers about having them do one of these on their top 3 recommended books, then link them to the library site.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeri,
    Nice to know someone is reading my blog. :) And thanks for blogging my glog. Doesn't that sound just a little bit like Dr. Seuss?
    If you click on the link to the wiki you should see the slideshare there. It's
    Cheers, Lesley
