Monday, July 30, 2007

The Doug Johnson Desktop Challenge

Doug Johnson, on his Blue Skunk Blog, posted the following challenge: As long as you are putting up a picture of your home office, share a screen shot of your computer's desk top too! If you dare.

He claims it's a snapshot of the user's brain... I'm in trouble!

Though, in my own defense, I've been working on a big video project. (hey, any excuse....)


  1. Just shows you have a busy brain!

    Thanks for being brave enough to share this!


  2. Jeri, how did you do the neon circles and comments on the image of the desktop?

  3. Isn't that cool?

    There's a program called Skitch (Mac only, unfortunately) that I'm beta testing. It allows you to take screen pics or upload photographs, then mark on them.

    If you have a Mac, here's the link to request an invitation.
